Compression leggings
Compression leggings

compression leggings
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compression leggings

KOFFEIN – Ein natuerliches mittel, das Mikrozirkulation foerdert. Il 72% degli utenti ha avvertito una sensazione di leggerezzaĭer spezielle Kompressions­druck foerdert die Lymphdrainage Inhaltsstoff der mikro-kapseln:.Riduzione dell’efficacia del 65% dei nodi di grasso.Il 67% ha ritenuto che i propri jeans fossero meno stretti.Il 63% degli utenti ha dichiarato una riduzione della cellulite.Test clinici indipendenti hanno rilevato che dopo aver indossato PROSKINS SLIM per 28 giorni: Il nostro filato microincapsulato ha principi attivi che rimangono nel tessuto per almeno 100 lavaggi Trattamento in Argento Anti-bacterico: Il trattamento antibatterico dell’argento nei capi tiene a bada l’odore e ti senti fresco Micro-Climatizzazione Attivo: Regola la temperatura corporea a 37☌ (98.6F) Tessuto Anti-umidita’: Tiene ii corpo asciutto, termo-regolato e confortevole durance il giorno. Vestibilità a compressione: Metti in moto la tua circolazione con la nostra compressione graduata VITAMINA E – Un anti-ossidante potente e naturale per migliorare l’aspetto delle pelle, rendendola più fresca e giovane.ĪLOE VERA – Un estratto naturale che aiuta ad ammorbidire la pelle.ĬERAMIDI – Aiutano a potenziare la barriera naturale della pelle e promuovono già da subito un effetto tensore. RETINOLO – La sua azione stimola la rigenerazione della pelle e il suo collagene, per migliorare l’aspetto della pelle. Un livello di compres-sione specifico e tarato promuove il ritorno linfaticoĬAFFEINA – Un ottimo principio attivo che promuove la lipolisi (effetto rilascia grassi) e micro-circolazione. 63% of users stated a reduction in cellulite.Independent clinical tests found that after wearing PROSKINS SLIM for 28 days: Our micro-encapsulated yarn has active ingredients that stay in the fabric for at least 100 washes – we should think so too. Silver Antibacterial: Antibacterial silver treatment in the garments keeps odour at bay and you feeling fresh Micro Climate: Looking hot never felt so good as body temperature is regulated to 37 C (98.6 F) Moisture Management: Don’t sweat it! Our moisture management wicks sweat away keeping you cool, comfy and dry.

#Compression leggings skin#

VITAMIN E – Protects skin from pollution preventing premature ageingĪLOE VERA – Keep calm and carry on with this skin smoothing wonderĬERAMIDES – Restores the skins barrier resulting in a firmer, plumper effectĬompression Fit: Get your circulation moving with our graduated compression RETINOL – Kick start collagen helping to give skin a youthful glow

compression leggings

The specfic level of compression promotes lymphatic drainage Ingredients inside the micro-capsules:ĬAFFEINE – Supercharges the circulation to help reduce the appearance of cellulite Please note, due to the micro-bacterial finish, Proskins SLIM can be worn for longer between washes which extends the lifetime of the garment. How long will Proskins SLIM remain effective? – The micro-capsules will last for 100 washes as long as our wash care guidance is followed. How often should I wash Proskins SLIM? – All our baselayers contain a micro-bacterial finish that reduces odour and wicks away moisture, this extends wear inbetween washes.

#Compression leggings full#

Will they feel tight? – No, the 4 way stretch means they are extremely comfortable.Ĭan I sleep in them? – Yes, this is a really easy way to wear them and maximise the benefits of Proskins SLIM.Ĭan I exercise in them? – Yes, the compression helps muscles to work effectively and aid post workout recovery and the 4 way stretch allows for full freedom of movement. How should I wear my Proskins SLIM everyday and for how long? – For best results, we recommend wearing for 8 hours a day. Should I wear underwear under my Proskins SLIM? – Yes.Ĭan I wear Proskins SLIM under my normal clothes? – Yes. What size should I order? – We recommend your order your usual clothing size, but if between sizes, then we suggest you order a size down.

Compression leggings