There is no longer an unnecessary alert Unable to download Smart Help content when reopening Logic Pro in cases where the content has already been downloaded.The Play from Last Locate Position command now works as expected.Smart Controls in MainStage guitar concerts are now reliably available in Logic Remote.It is now possible to select sounds from the Sound Library in MainStage using Logic Remote.Logic Remote now displays a waveform overview for audio recorded into Live Loops cells after recording is stopped with the global Transport Stop button.It is now possible to delete a Live Loops track in Logic Control.Queued cells in the Live Loops grid now blink in sync with one another after they have been selected one by one.It is now possible to delete a track from the Live Loops grid in Logic Remote.Pre-fader sends are now indicated by a different color in the Mixer.Pan knobs for Sends on Faders are now visible in the Logic Remote mixer in Independent Pan mode.It is now possible to copy/paste plug-ins settings between the Mixer view and the Plug-in Controls view.
The first plug-in slot on channel stips with inactive plug-ins is now visible in Logic Remote.It is now possible to move plug-ins between inserts in the Channel Strip inspector.Fixes an issue where VoiceOver could sometimes announces an Arpeggiate button in the LCD that does not exist.VoiceOver now correctly announces the Cycle button.VoiceOver now correctly announces the Playhead position in the LCD.VoiceOver now correctly announces the track name in the LCD.VoiceOver now correctly announces all Key Signatures.Scrolling performance in the Mixer is improved.